IRA Distributions: Please also consider Brad Duty, Virginia UMC Foundation Services Advisor’s
advice regarding tax free giving. For example, Brad noted that IRA distributions to a Qualified Charitable
Distribution (QCD) is generally a nontaxable distribution made directly by the trustee of your IRA to an
organization eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions, in this instance, Dranesville UMC. (You
must be at least age 70 ½ when the distribution is made.) Your taxable required minimum distribution
(RMD) then would be reduced by the amount of the QCD. If you have any questions on this specific
donation process, please see or contact Beth Hitchings ( or Paul C. Rizzo
( or reach out to Brad Duty directly (
Donations of Stock: We have several members who have donated stock over the years and want
to ensure that other members of the congregation are aware of this option. Stock transfers made from
your investment firm through the Virginia UMC Foundation are not charged a fee by the Foundation. If
you have any questions or are interested in donating stocks to the church, please see or contact Beth
Hitchings ( or Paul C. Rizzo ( or reach out to Brad Duty
directly (
We know that we have just shared a lot of information with you; and, therefore, welcome any questions
on the Capital Improvement Campaign. Thank you for your generosity in advance; your donations will
make a difference. Grace to you!