If you would like us to include your college student, contact us at: 

The College Connection Ministry at DUMC

What does this ministry do?  We send out college care packages four times each school year, provide fellowship opportunities when our college folks are home, and send personal notes and cards throughout the school year.  We also pray for our students.

What can I do to help?  Sign up to be on the College Connection team to help pack up the care packages, make donations of items for the care packages or make a financial donation to College Connection to help cover the cost of mailing.  We currently send out 34 packages and would appreciate donations in early October, mid-November, late January and mid-April.  Please call the church office at 703-430-3137 and say you want to help.

How long has College Connection been at DUMC?  This is our eleventh year of ministry to our college students.

Why should we care about our college kids?   God cares about us and as a church we carefully raise our children in Sunday school, vacation Bible school, youth group and the various ministries of our church.  As they go off to college we want to “go with them” through our continued support and encouragement.  College can be a challenging time with many new decisions to be made and new demands without the personal contact with the church family.

Do the kids seem to like the packages and notes?  You bet!  Many college roommates enjoy what is shared with them, too!  What a great way to spread the love of Jesus.  Please join us in this ministry.  Many of our young adults are active in their campus ministries, Bible studies, and campus mission projects.  Our care packages are a simple but vital reminder that we care about them.