The Dranesville UMC “Ring of Praise

Handbell ringing has become more prevalent throughout the United States in the past few years.  We have noticed that handbell ringing is becoming more popular, not only  in churches, but in communities and schools.  With new techniques, such as the “singing bell,” there are even more reasons why handbell ringing is rising in popularity!

Ringing handbells is a group effort- we each have only a couple of notes at a time and we depend on everyone playing their notes on their specified beat.  In addition to the challenge, ringing is also fun!  While the core group has been together for many years, we are always looking for “new blood!”  As long as you can read music, we can teach you the rest.  Experience is not necessary.

“Ring of Praise” rehearses on Thursday evenings (before the Adult Choir rehearsal) from 6:00-7:15 in the Choir room on the lower level.  They usually ring one Sunday per month.  The group is co-directed by Susan Gray and Misse Parzow.

If you are interested in becoming part of this fun and exciting group, please contact the church office at or call 703-430-3137.